Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Drive Like A Storyteller!

As an on the road performer, sometimes I travel up to six hours in the car to tell my stories. On these journeys (and even on the short ones!) I keep reminding myself to Drive Like A Storyteller. Drive like you have all the time in the world! Drive like you are the millionaire and heiress of all time! Drive as though 'Once Upon A Time' and the mythic 'In the Beginning Time' were unfolding all around you.

Joseph Campbell said that myths and stories are happening all around us! Look! Orpheus is playing music on the street corner, Ahab is walking down the line of stopped cars begging for money! See what is bubbling up in the world outside and inside of the imagination. Riches await!

Time is NOT Money it is POSSIBILITY!

Wishing you good travels and the kind of time we knew from long ago!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Signs of Spring

Inspired by that child, I lead a group of kids in a search for "Signs of Spring!

Here in the Northeast it has been an extremely torturous journey towards the springtime with unexpected heavy snowfalls and piercing winds. So it was with joy that I heard a young boy with a prancing skip to his step say as he walked along with his Dad, "I'm looking for signs of spring!" "Signs of Spring" was a newly learned phrase and that boy was filled with enthusiasm for it as though solving the greatest mystery in the world. I love the way children wake up our tired eyes to the precious beauty of it all...