OK ok... I held TWO book celebration parties, not one! But hey it was a seven year project so who's counting anymore! The celebration at Club Passim in Cambridge, MA was sold out - with a crowd that seemed as happy as I was to have the book on hand. Kurdish musician Andrew Aytac sang- and I told stories from the book and anecdotes of my travels. My versatile musician husband played Middle Eastern drums. The second event (pictured here) was in Framingham where I was happy to see some of my collaborators on the book and old friends I hadn't seen in years. A photo of me dressed up in my "Kurdish- Las Vegas" outfit for the grand finale is attached. I was surprised I could even read the last story the sequins were so busy creating a disco ball effect.
Great new blog. Love the photos and all the information. Good blog site and your news is all fascinating.
If you get a chance, check out my blog too at
Lots of images there that I update about once a month. All best, Elly
I love the new blog Diane! I am continually amazed at your energy and creative vision. The veggies are also worthy of any 4-H showing. MMMM, do I smell eggplant parmesan, or is that a new Kurdish recipe???
Keep up the blog, I have sent it along to everyone!
BTW, I am now now an official paying member of the SCBWI thanks to you, and so I am in the beginning process of pursuing my own small vision in your large footsteps.
All my love from your #1 fan,
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